How to ease into daylight saving with a baby or toddler

Start of Daylight Saving Time “ Southern Hemisphere

We've reached that time of year where the nights are lighter, and the sun is setting late (hello summer, and balmy nights ahead!). This time change is a crowd-pleaser, we technically lose an extra hour of sleep, but we gain summer!

While moving the clock forward one hour is something that makes us sleepy for a couple of days, our adult bodies adjust to the change reasonably quickly. Your little one will likely be wide awake at 8pm, wondering why the sun is still up and requesting they stay up as the sun is up. We can thank that glorious summer sun. #sorry

It can take toddlers and babies a little longer to get back into the swing of things. We understand the confusion of adjusting your little one's sleep. We get the fear of a time change affecting sleep full stop (we've been there), so we've compiled our top tips for adjusting to this significant change.

To help ease you into the swing of things, may we present the team from ergoPouch (aka real mums) top tips for adapting to the time changes.

Start of Daylight Saving | Tips From The Mamas at ergoPouch

Leo eCommerce Expert, Mama to Remzi (6 years) + Lexi (2.7 years) + Kawai (1 year)

"We have to put our clocks forward, so why can't we put baby's clock backwards to align their body clocks? Over the week leading up, put your little one to bed 10 minutes earlier each day. This process has worked well for my 6-year-old and 2 year old; this is the first test with my 1-year-old (wish me luck).

To guarantee Lexi goes down smoothly, we dress her in her 1.0 TOG Sleep Suit Sack and the ergoPouch Pajamas. Kawai is in his 1.0 TOG Jersey Sack, a 0.2 TOG Long Sleeve Romper and, on cooler nights, we will pop him into a 1.0 TOG Long Sleeve Romper. Remzi, my eldest boy, is still in his Long Sleeve PJs while it's cooler at night.

Each Pouch is the kid's sleep association cues. They see their pieces and know it's time for bed."

Jess, Digital Marketing, Mama to Hunter (2.4 years)

"This is my fourth experience with Daylight Saving. My key is to stick to routine, routine, routine. My husband and I will ensure Hunter is on the same schedule; it keeps things regular for our little one. We're going to prevent difficulties by getting him ready a few days before the clock change.

We're settling Hunter down 10 minutes earlier from tonight and will continue to do so until the clock changes. Our little one loves his Sleep Suit Sack. We will mix and match the Short Sleeve PJs as the weather warms up to keep him nice and comfortable.

Hunter will only sleep in complete darkness. Our saving grace is the Window Blockout. Friends, I can't recommend this product enough. Easy to use, blocks 100% of the light and looks great in any nursery. Hot tip for all those parents worrying about putting sheets up!"

Amanda, Marketing Lead, Mum to Emme (4 years) + Seb (7 years)

"We try to live by the following steps and ensure we are kind to ourselves and the kids. It can feel a lot like jetlag, try and take a nap where possible.

Read your baby's sleep cues. Their internal clock is more powerful than any clock we go by. Make sure your little one is comfortable at night. Ensure you have the correct TOG and style on your little ones as per the temperature. You can always follow our What to Wear Guide for any further advice.

I keep my son, who is a little older, in the same routine when the clock goes forward. He is aware of what is going on and can fall asleep once we've completed our nightly routine. His internal schedule works itself out within a day or two. We find the kids are always ready for bed from the endless adventures they're on.

Our little girl switches between a few styles; however, for now, she is in her fave PJs or the Long Sleeve PJs on cooler nights. The organic fibers are ideal for her sensitive skin, and the 1.0 TOG keeps her nice and warm during the trans-seasonal weather."

Sarah, Senior Designer, Mum to Finn (2.5 years)

"I will put Finn down 30 minutes later than usual on Saturday, 2 October. I hope his internal schedule works itself out within a day or two. If not, we will get his routine back on track within the week. We can read a few extra books and have a few more cuddles. Bliss.

Finn wears the 1.0 Jersey Sleep Sack. We will move Finn into a Romper as it warms up. He is known to wear his Rompers throughout the day. They're so cute, so why not!

Remember, what's going to work with each family is entirely different. You may want to introduce some calming activities or quiet time before bed, dim the lights and make it clear bedtime is coming. The good news, within a week or two, baby, toddler, and you will adjust to the time change naturally."

daylight savings ergopouch jersey bag on boy on floor

Start of Daylight Saving | Sample Bedtime Plan

If you continue with your current bedtime schedule, your little ones may find it hard to settle for sleep on the first day of Daylight Saving as it will be an hour earlier than their bedtime the previous day. However, if you can prepare ahead of the time change, you can adjust their wake up and bedtime by 10 minutes for the week prior.

You can start a few days before the following example:

*7.00 pm bedtime, for example

  • Tuesday:6.50pm
  • Wednesday: 6.40pm
  • Thursday: 6.30pm
  • Friday: 6.20pm
  • Saturday: 6.10pm
  • Sunday: 7.00* pm (DST Starts)

Start of Daylight Saving Tips

  • Minor changes will help your child to adjust their body clock gradually;
  • You can further support your child to adjust by waking them in the morning, offering mealtimes and naps 10 minutes earlier;
  • If you have missed out on getting ready ahead of Daylight Saving, you can apply the same method for the first week following the time change;
  • Stick to the same schedule; it keeps things regular for you and your little one;
  • Make sure your little one is sleeping comfortably in appropriate sleepwear and Rompers according to the temperature. See our handy Temperature - What To Wear Guide; and
  • Have some patience with your child while adjusting to the time change; they may be a little tired and grumpy for a week or so.

Daylight Saving Time | March 13th, 2022

  • When local standard time is about to reach, Sunday, March 13, 2am clocks are turned FORWARD 1 hour to Sunday, March 13, 3am.


Good luck, you've got this!


With love,

eP X

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